
Lepra is an international charity changing the lives of people affected by disease, poverty and prejudice. In 1924 Lepra began the journey to beat leprosy and since then has been an innovator and leader in the field fighting against the disease and the consequences leprosy brings. Lepra has done that with Her Majesty The Queen by their side, as Patron supporting in the journey to reduce the incidence and impact of leprosy and other neglected diseases.
The Queen has been Patron for 63 years, taking over from her father shortly after his death. Her involvement not only helps to bring awareness and interest to the charity, but also vitally helps to reduce the stigma associated with leprosy. Staff and volunteers in the UK and overseas are proud to tell others about their Patron and many have been very fortunate to meet Her Majesty at special events.

For the people Lepra works with, who are often isolated and shunned because of prejudice, overseas visits and support of Lepra’s work by The Queen is significant in demonstrating its fight against the stigma. The Queen took an interest in leprosy even before her coronation by sponsoring two girls at the Itu Leprosy Colony in Nigeria. She was even kind enough to send wedding cake to Itu in 1947. When the two children whom she sponsored were cured, and she had become Queen, she supported the building of new children’s homes in Tanganyika and continued to sponsor children in Africa and India until the end of the scheme.
For more information visit: http://www.lepra.org.uk
“For Lepra, it is Her Majesty’s personal connection to people with leprosy that makes her patronage so important to us. Her contribution, from her sending slices of her wedding cake to women in a leprosy colony, to sponsoring children with leprosy and meeting the people we work with, has done a great deal to break down the stigma and isolation felt by so many. Having Her Majesty as our Patron breaks down barriers and opens doors for some of the most neglected people in society and we are very grateful for her long and continued support.” – Sarah Nancollas, Chief executive, Lepra

Rajni’s Story
Please Click the video link below to view Rajni’s Story
Rajni hails from Bihar in India. It is here that he began his career working in the field of leprosy. Rajni himself lives with his wife and two children, one of which attends medical school herself.
Through innovative approaches and research along with personal contact and understanding of the people of Bihar, Rajni has made a huge impact to the way in which Lepra work. He is well-known internationally and regularly consulted by other NGOs, governments and communities on the topic of leprosy. Despite his management role, Rajni remains hands on with patients spending 20 days out of the month in the field. He truly comes alive when interacting with patients.