The Scout Association

The Scout Association is the UK’s biggest mixed youth organisation. They change lives by offering 6- to 25-year-olds fun and challenging activities, unique experiences, everyday adventure and the chance to help others so that they make a positive impact in communities.
Every year The Scout Association helps over 450,000 children and young adults reach their full potential. Scouts develop skills including teamwork, time management, leadership, initiative, planning, communication, self-motivation, cultural awareness and commitment. They help young people to get jobs, save lives and even change the world.

The Monarch has been the Patron of The Scout Association since 1910 and The Queen has been their Patron since she came to the throne 62 years ago. The highest award a young person can gain in Scouting bears the Patron’s name – The Queen’s Scout Award. Young people across the UK go on expeditions, carry out community volunteering, and learn new skills and travel internationally to achieve this award.
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The UK Chief Commissioner of Scouts, Wayne Bulpitt said:
“We are very grateful for the patronage of Her Majesty The Queen whose own lifetime of service has inspired our highest award, the Queen’s Scout Award.
We are also extremely lucky to have young volunteer Leaders like Reece who care about the life-changing opportunities his Scout Group can give to young people in his community. Our young volunteers dedicate an enormous amount of their time to providing fun and life changing adventures for young people and we salute them all. In addition to his work for the young people in his community Reece is working toward his own Queen’s Scout Award which will give him the chance for personnel growth and development. Having the Queen’s name on our highest award means so much to our young adult volunteers like Reece”.

Reece’s Story
Please Click the video link below to view Reece’s Story
Reece Harrison is the Assistant Group Scout Leader for the 231st ShireGreen Scout Group in Sheffield. He has been involved with this Scout group for over half his life, supporting all its leaders.
He arranges for Scouts to go on camps and activity days that are designed to get the young people into the surrounding countryside. In the last year the group has opened two new sections, which Reece says is “our greatest achievement of the year”. In addition to his work for the young people in his community, Reece is working toward his own Queen’s Scout Award which will give him the chance for personnel growth and development.