The Church Schoolmasters and Schoolmistresses’ Benevolent Institution

What is the CSSBI?

Established in 1857, the Church Schoolmasters and Schoolmistresses’ Benevolent Institution is the oldest teachers’ charity.  Long before the introduction of teachers’ pensions and the welfare state, CSSBI supported Church of England teachers in England and Wales who ‘fell on hard times’. This ethos continues today.

In 1878 The Prince of Wales became Patron of CSSBI’s West Norfolk Branch and, on becoming King in 1901, became Patron of CSSBI. As our Patron, Her Majesty The Queen has supported CSSBI throughout her reign.

Who does the CSSBI help?

The CSSBI provides financial support for teachers, both current and former, lecturers and teachers in training. We aim to meet specific short-term needs caused by unforeseen significant misfortune, in order to help people re-establish themselves and regain financial stability. This may include their immediate family.

They must be members of the Church of England or another recognised Christian denomination and live in England or Wales.

What help does CSSBI give?

CSSBI grants are usually ‘one off’ and given according to individual needs. These have included:

  • Help towards costs to make life more bearable for individuals in times of real misfortune
  • Repairs or modifications to home
  • Financial support for costs associated with ill health
  • Emergency relief for individuals in difficult circumstance
  • Financial assistance with the cost of books, travel or special clothing while retraining

For more information visit the CSSBI website to read more about the charity and find the Application for Assistance form.